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Monday, May 8, 2023

NEB Model question solution class 12

1. Read the following text about a fitness activity and complete the tasks that follow. 15

You want to be healthy. You know, you need to exercise more. But if you are not ready to grunt through an hour of kick-boxing, don't despair. There is a growing agreement among exercise researchers that the intense physical activities offered by most health clubs are not the only–or even the preferable–path to better health. Indeed, the best thing for most of us may be to just walk.

Yes, walk. At a reasonable vigorous clip (five to six km/h) for half an hour or so, may be five or six times a week. You may not feel the benefits all at once, but the evidence suggests that over the long term, a regular walking routine can do a world of preventive good. 

Walking, in fact, may be the perfect exercise. For starters, it's one of the safest things you can do with your body. It's much easier on the knees than running and doesn't trigger untoward side effects. Dr.Johnna Manson, chief of preventive medicine at a leading Harvard woman's hospital says, "If everyone were to walk briskly 30 minutes a day, we could cut the incidence of many chronic diseases by 30 to 40 per cent." She further says, ''Regular physical activity is probably as close to a magic bullet as we will come in modern medicine."

And for those of us who don't have half-hour chunks of time, the news gets even better. Several recent studies suggest that walking briskly three or four times a day for 10 minutes at a time may provide many of the same benefits as walking continuously for 30 minutes.

Here's how to make the most of your walking routine. First, get into gear. Walker's shoes need to have enough room at the front for the feet to spread. Then, ease on down that road. Avoid muscle aches by starting slowly and incorporating gentle stretches into both your warmup and cool down. You must plot your course. Some people walk at a specific time each day. Others shoehorn walking into their routines by parking the car a few minutes from the store or taking the stairs instead of the lift. Record your efforts, including how long and how far you walked. Jotting down improvements keeps you motivated and challenges you to do better.

Since walking affects you in so many ways at once, it's difficult to determine precisely why it's good for you. But much of the evidence gathered so far is compelling.

Brisk walking is good for the heart—which makes a lot of sense. The heart is a muscle after all, and anything that makes the blood flow faster through a muscle helps keep it in shape. But regular walking also lowers blood pressure, which decreases the stress on the arteries. It can boost the amount of HDL cholesterol (the good one) in our blood. It even seems to make the blood less "sticky", and therefore less likely to produce unwanted clots. This all adds up to as much as a 50 per cent reduction in the risk of suffering a heart attack.

A. Complete the following sentences using the words highlighted in the text. Two of those words are not necessary. 5x1=5

a. He looks like a bodybuilder as he has a strong ….

b. You can still get a good house forc. It was really freezing. So, we … some wood to build a fire.

d. Although he lost his job, he didn‘t …..

e. Jogging regularly is the best ….. measure for a heart disease.

B. Read the text again and write

TRUE -> if the statement agrees with the information given in the text.

FALSE -> if the statement contradicts the information given in the text.

NOT GIVEN -> if there is no information in the text. 5x1=5

a. According to the author, only strong physical exercise keeps people healthy.

b. The author thinks that walking is better than running in the initial stage.

c. Regular exercise frequently releases our brain cells.

d. Physical exercise ensures the overall growth of a person.

e. The author advises people to make notes of the duration and distance of the daily walk.

C. Give short answers to the following questions in ONE SENTENCE each. 5 x 1= 5

a. Why does the author mention ̳exercise researchers‘ in the first paragraph?

b. Where does Johnna Manson work?

c. Why does the author use the phrase ̳a magic bullet‘ in the third paragraph?

d. Do you agree or disagree with the author‘s point of view? Why, why not?

e. How is the author in this text trying to convince the readers? a very …. price.

2. Write short answers to the following questions in about 75 words each. 5x2=10

a. Why was the success of Rakesh a matter of discussion in the neighbourhood? (A Devoted Son)

b. Describe the irritating things that the people do with the strange old man. (A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings)


Describe marriage as a social institution. (Marriage as a Social Institution)

c. ̳Human beings are connected with hope.‘ Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give reasons. (The Awakening Age)

d. Do you agree with the author‘s view that history has been a major debatable issue in the present world? Give your opinion. (Humility)


How can wisdom be taught? Give examples. (Knowledge and Wisdom)

e. How does Famous Actress try to convince Earnest Young Woman? (A Matter of Husbands)

3. Write long answers to the following questions in about 150 words each. 2x5=10

a. Explain the following lines with reference to the context. (I was My Own Route)

And I was all in me as was life in me...

I wanted to be like men wanted me to be:

an attempt at life;

a game of hide and seek with my being.

But I was made of nows;

when the heralds announced me

at the regal parade of the old guard,

the desire to follow men warped in me,

and the homage was left waiting for me.


Sketch the character of Monsieur Durand. (Facing Death)

b. How does the play make a satire on feudal system of Nepali society of late 18th century?

(The Bull)

4. Summarise the following text in approximately 150 words. Write only the ideas of the

original text but do not include your own opinions, interpretations, deductions or

comments. 7

Madhav Prasad Ghimire is a renowned Nepali poet who has given a great contribution to

Nepali literature. He is one of the last of the oldest generation of poets in Nepal. He was

motivated by the works of Rabindranath Tagore. He is a poet of the romantic tradition.

He has written many incredible books such as Gauri, Malati Mangale, Himal Pari Himal

Wari, Aswathama, Rajheswari, and Shakuntala and he is well known for his inspiring works.

He was honoured as Rashtra Kavi (poet of the nation) of Nepal. He is undoubtedly one of the

rare poets in Nepal to gain fame and fortune, and not the unfortunate forgetfulness they

normally receive.

But the greatest asset of his life is its simplicity. He is a very simple person with a simple

taste, but his verses are varied and complex. However, for some, he is a Himalayan poet and

for some the poet of love and harmony. However, this truth cannot be denied: he is a lyric

poet and one of the true servants of Nepali literature.

It is also a national treasure associated with the golden age of Nepali literature. He is one of

the last of the oldest generation of poets whose contemporaries, Bal Krishna Sama and

Laxmi Prasad Devkota, have become historical figures in the annals of Nepali literature.

It is known that in his masterpieces such as Gauri and Malati Mangale he portrayed terrible

truths of society. This literature was most praised by the Nepali people. Some of his other

important literary works include Himal Pari Himal Wari, Rajeshwori, Aswathama, and

Shakuntala which are most appreciated.

He is a simple man with a complex and different perception. Rastra Kavi Ghimire was cited

as a source of inspiration in the Nepali literary brotherhood. Not only writing but also his will

to live has inspired many Nepali people. According to him, there are three mantras to live

longer; Easy exercise or yoga, positive thinking, and creativity.

For him, education in his own life is very important, since it takes a person from darkness to

light and it is very important that Nepali youth should learn these things from him. He is

respected by the people of Nepal.

―I think poets should be able to go beyond the social hierarchy and bring visions to humanity,

and by using their poetic abilities, they should be able to expand the mind and pursue the

truth.‖, this is a great sentence by Madhav Prasad Ghimire.

5. Write a letter to your cousin recommending him/her a book/novel that you thought

worth reading in about 180 words. Describe the factors that you liked most. 8

6. ‘Privatization in education creates two class citizens.’ To what extent do you agree with

this opinion? Write an essay in about 300 words on why you think so shading light on

pros and cons of privatizing education, issues and Government responsibilities. 10

7. Do as instructed in the brackets and re-write the sentences. (10x1=10)

a. I have to go to the dentist because my tooth is aching terrible. (Find the mistake in this

sentence and correct it.).

b. His house is … (in/ at/ by/on) the way from Itahari to Biratnagar. (Choose the correct

preposition to complete the sentence)

c. Ram assured me that he would meet me at the bus station exactly at 8 a. m. It is now 10

a. m. I have waiting for him since early morning. (Identify which bolded verb forms is

incorrect and rewrite.)

d. You … (will/must/has to/had to) stop smoking. It is very harmful. (Fill in the blanks

choosing the appropriate auxiliary verb).

e. He usually … (do/did/has done/does) his homework in his room. (Identify which bolded

verb forms completes the sentence.)

f. As a part of the project work, the students had to work physically. Therefore, they

requested their teacher to stop study. (Identify which bold-faced word needs to be

rewritten and correct it.)

g. Ganesh is a doctor. His wife is a doctor. (Combine the sentences using the conjunction

both …………. and.)

h. The man is in the garden. The man is wearing a blue jumper (Join the two sentences

using appropriate relative pronoun).

i. My uncle wrote a wonderful play. (Change the sentence into passive voice).

j. Mohan said, ―My brother arrived home late‖. (Change the sentence into reported


8. Choose and copy the correct alternatives: 5x1=5

a) Which one of the following words has a different final sound?

i) brushed ii) glanced iii) looked iv) filled

b) You went for a long run this morning. The word ‗run‘ in this sentence is:

i) a noun ii) a verb iii) an adverb iv) an adjective

c) Which one of the following words does not take the prefix ‗Im‘?

i) pure ii) fertile iii) moral iv) proper

d) Which one of the following words comes between ‗example‘ and ‗exchange‘ in the

dictionary entry?

i) excavate ii) examine iii) excite iv) exclude

e) The administration has officially asked transportation employees to …………their


i) call on ii) call off iii) call at iv) call for



A. Complete the following sentences using the words highlighted in the text. Two of those words are not necessary. 5x1-5

a. He looks like a bodybuilder as he has a strong muscle.

b. You can still get a good house for a very reasonable price.

c. It was really freezing. So, we gathered some wood to build a fire.

d. Although he lost his job, he didn't despair.

e. Jogging regularly is the best preventive measure for h heart disease

B. Read the text again and write

TRUE If the statement agrees with the information given in the text.

False If the statement contradicts the information given in the text.

 NOT GIVEN If there is no information in the text.

a. According to the author, only strong physical exercise keeps people healthy. False

 b. The author thinks that walking is better than running in the initial stage. True

c. Regular exercise frequently releases our brain cells. Not Given

d. Physical exercise ensures the overall growth of a person. True

e. The author advises people to make notes of the duration and distance of the daily walk. True

C. Give short answers to the following questions in ONE SENTENCE each. 5x1= 5

a. Why does the author mention 'exercise

 researchers' in the first paragraph?

Ans. The author mentions 'exercise researchers' in the first paragraph to introduce the idea that intense physical activities are not the only way to better health.

b. Where does Johnna Manson work?

Ans. Johanna Manson works at a leading Harvard woman's hospital.

c. Why does the author use the phrase a magic bullet in the third paragraph?

Ans. The author uses the phrase 'a magic bullet' in the third paragraph to suggest that regular physical activity is a very effective preventive measure against many diseases.

d. Do you agree or disagree with the author's point of view? Why, why not?

Ans. Based on the information presented in the text, there is evidence and expert opinions supporting the idea that regular walking can improve health and prevent diseases. Therefore, it seems reasonable to agree with the author's point of view that walking can be an effective way to maintain good health.

e. How is the author in this text trying to convince the readers?

Ans. The author is trying to convince the readers that walking is an effective way to improve their health and prevent diseases, by presenting evidence and expert opinions supporting this idea.

2. Write short answers to the following questions in about 75 words each. 5*2=10

a. Why was the success of Rakesh a matter of discussion is the neighbourhood? (A Devoted Son)

Ans. The success of Rakesh was a matter of discussion in the neighbourhood because he was the only one who had excelled academically in the locality, securing a position in medical college, which was a great achievement for someone from a small town and middle-class family.

b. Describe the irritating things that the people do with the strange old man. (A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings)

Ans. Ans. In "A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings," the strange old man is subjected to various irritating things by the people. They throw stones at him, burn him with a branding iron, and even lock him in a chicken coop. They also charge people money to see him and make fun of his appearance.

by the people. They throw stones at him, burn him with a branding iron, and even lock him in a chicken coop. They also charge people money to see him and make fun of his appearance.


Describe marriage as a social institution. (Marriage as a Social Institution)

Ans. Marriage is a social institution that involves a legally recognized union between two individuals, typically romantic partners, with the goal of forming a family unit. It is a socially and culturally constructed institution that varies across different societies and time periods, with different norms and expectations surrounding gender roles, sexual practices, and family structures.

c. Human beings are connected with hope. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give reasons. (The Awakening Age)

Ans. Yes, I agree that human beings are connected with hope. Hope is a fundamental aspect of the human experience, giving us the motivation and optimism to pursue our goals and overcome challenges. Without hope, life can seem bleak and meaningless, leading to despair and mental health issues. Hope is also contagious, inspiring others to believe in themselves and their ability to create pos

itive change.

d. Do you agree with the author's view that history has been a major debatable issue in the present world? Give your opinion (Humility)

Ans. Yes, I agree with the author's view that history has been a major debatable issue in the present world. The author has dealt with a controversial debate on human history. I think history has been a major contested issue in the present world due to egoism. Most individuals believe they are the centre of the universe and that their culture is superior to all others. They believe their history is the oldest and that everything is descended or originated from their culture. Because of egoism, history has become a major source of contention in the modern world.


How can wisdoms be taught? Give examples (Knowledge and Wisdom)

Ans. Wisdom can be taught through various means, such as through experience, mentorship, and education. For example, a mentor can pass on their wisdom through guidance and advice, while education can provide a structured framework for acquiring knowledge and skills. However, wisdom is also something that is cultivated through personal reflection and self-awareness, as well as through an openness to different perspectives and a willingness to learn from mistakes.

e. How does Famous Actress try to convince Earnest Young Women? (A Matter of Husband)

Ans. Famous Actress convinces Earnest Young Woman by fabricating a story about men and actresses in the theatre. When the Famous Actress is blamed by Earnest Young Woman, she claims that she and her husband do not have an affair. She persuades Earnest Young Woman that her husband is playing with her to make her jealous so that she will return her affection. After hearing her viewpoints, the Earnest Young Woman recognizes her mistake and finally gets convinced and satisfied by the famous actress.

3. Write long answers to the following questions in about 150 words each. 2x5=10

a. Explain the following lines with reference to the context. (I was My Own Route)

And I was all in me as was life in me I wanted to be like men wanted me to be

an attempt at life,

a game of hide and seek with my being

But I was made of now

when the heralds announced me

 at the regal parade of the old guard,

the desire to follow men warped in me,

 and the homage was left waiting for me

Ans. The speaker Julia de Burgos, a radical feminist, challenges the masculine concept of defining a female’s existence and journey via traditional paths in the poem “I Was My Own Route.” She links male mentality to gender inequality and male prejudices towards women. Women’s own freedom and liberation are portrayed in this poem.

In the first line, "And I was all in me as was life in me," the speaker is emphasizing the importance of her own identity and existence as a woman. She is stating that she is complete within herself and that her life force is her own. In the next line, "I wanted to be like men wanted me to be," the speaker is acknowledging the pressure placed on women by society, particularly men, to conform to traditional roles and expectations.

The line "an attempt at life, a game of hide and seek with my being" suggests that the speaker has struggled to find her own identity and place in the world, and that she has been playing a game of hiding and seeking with her own true self.

The line "But I was made of now when the heralds announced me at the regal parade of the old guard" suggests that the speaker has a sense of being present in the moment, in the here and now. The phrase "the heralds announced me" suggests that the speaker has achieved something significant, perhaps some sort of recognition or acknowledgement. However, the next line, "the desire to follow men warped in me," shows that despite her achievements, the pressure to conform to male expectations still affects her. The final line, "and the homage was left waiting for me," implies that the speaker has not yet fully claimed her own success, and that she is still struggling to break free from societal expectations. The speaker seems to be questioning the traditional expectations of women in society and the pressure to conform to the desires of men.


Sketch the character of Monsieur Durand (Facing Death)

Ans. Monsieur Durand is the main character in August Strindberg's play "Facing Death." He is a financially ruined widower who is struggling to make ends meet and provide for his three daughters. Durand is portrayed as a complex and flawed character who is fiercely protective of his family and willing to make sacrifices for their well-being, even at the cost of his own happiness.

Durand's relationships with his daughters are fragile and strained due to the financial difficulties they face. He is often authoritarian and demanding, but also loving and caring towards his children. Despite his efforts, Durand's financial situation continues to worsen, leading him to make a heartbreaking decision in order to provide for his daughters.

Throughout the play, Durand struggles with feelings of guilt and shame over his inability to provide for his family. He is a character who is both sympathetic and flawed, embodying the challenges and hardships of family life in difficult circumstances. Strindberg portrays Monsieur Durand as a character who is willing to do whatever it takes to ensure the survival and well-being of his family, even if it means sacrificing his own happiness and well-being.

How does the play make a satire on feudal system of Nepali society of late 18 century? (The Bull)

Ans. The play "The Bull" by Bhimnidhi Tiwari is a biting satire on the feudal system prevalent in Nepali society in the late 18th century. Through the portrayal of the relationship between the king and his subjects, the play highlights how the feudal system dehumanized ordinary people and gave more respect to animals belonging to the feudal lords.

In the play, the bull belonging to the king dies, and his subjects fear punishment if they inform him of the death. This fear of punishment highlights the absolute power of the king and the subjugation of his subjects, who are afraid to speak the truth. The character of Laxminarayan represents the servitude and subjugation of ordinary people to the feudal lords. He is willing to deceive the king and maintain the illusion of the bull's health to avoid punishment. The cowherds and Laxmi, who inform the king of the bull's illness, praise the bull's beauty, walking style, and valiant fight, which shows how the feudal system values animals more than ordinary people. They pretend the bull is alive even when it is dead, out of fear of punishment, further emphasizing the fear and servitude of the common people.

The king's declaration of a tip for the cowherds, Jitman and Gore, on the death of the bull, further highlights the feudal system's emphasis on animals' importance over human beings. Overall, the play shows how the feudal system of the time dehumanized the common people and gave absolute power to the feudal lords, whose animals received more respect and care than the common people.

4. Summarise the following text in approximately 150 words. Write only the ideas of the original test but do not include your own opinions, Interpretations, deductions or comments.

Madhav Prasad Ghimire is a renowned Nepali poet who has given a great contribution to Nepali entire He is one of the last of the oldest generation of poets in Nepal. He was mutated by the works of Rabindranath Tagore. He is a poet of the romantic tradition. He has written many incredible books such as Gaan, Malati Mangale, Himal Pari Himal War, Aswatham, Rajeswari, and Shakuntale and he is well known for his inspiring works. He was honoured as Rashtra Kavi (poet of the nation) of Nepal. He is undoubtedly one of the we poets in Nepal to gain fame and fortune, and not the unfortunate forgetfulness they normally receive.

But the greatest asset of his life is its simplicity. He is a very simple person with a simple taste, but his verses are varied and complex. However, for some, he is a Himalayan poet and for some the poet of love and harmony However, this truth cannot be denied he is a lyric poet and one of the true servants of Nepali literature. It is also a national treasure associated with the golden age of Nepali literature. He is one of the last of the oldest generation of poets whose contemporaries, Bal Krishna Sama and Laxmi Prasad Devkota, lave become historical figures in the annals of Nepali literature It is known that in his masterpieces such as Gaur and Malati Mangale he portrayed terrible truths of society. This literature was most praised by the Nepali people Some of his other important literary works include Himal Pari Hunal War, Rajeshwori, Aswathama, and Shakuntala which are most appreciated.

He is a simple man with a complex and different perception. Rastra Kavi Ghimire was cited as a source of inspiration in the Nepali literary brotherhood. Not only writing but also his will to live has inspired many Nepali people. According to him, there are three mantras to live longer. Easy exercise or yoga, positive thinking, and creativity. For him, education in his own life is very important, since it takes a person from darkness to light and it is very important that Nepali youth should learn these things from him. He is respected by the people of Nepal "I think poets should be able to go beyond the social hierarchy and bring visions to humanity, and by using their poetic abilities, they should be able to expand the mind and pursue the truth.", this is a great sentence by Madhav Prasad Ghimire,


Madhav Prasad Ghimire

              Madhav Prasad Ghimire is a famous Nepali poet who is known for his contributions to Nepali literature. He is a poet of the romantic tradition and was inspired by Rabindranath Tagore's works. Ghimire has written several acclaimed books, including Gaan, Malati Mangale, Himal Pari Himal War, Aswatham, Rajeshwori, and Shakuntale. He is considered one of the last poets of the oldest generation in Nepal and was honored with the title Rashtra Kavi (poet of the nation). Ghimire is known for his simplicity, even though his verses are varied and complex. He is one of the few Nepali poets to gain both fame and fortune, and his works are highly appreciated by the Nepali people. Ghimire's masterpieces such as Gaur and Malati Mangale portrayed the harsh realities of society. He has inspired many Nepali people not only through his writing but also through his will to live. Ghimire believes that education is essential in a person's life, and Nepali youth should learn from him. He advocates that poets should go beyond social hierarchies and bring visions to humanity by using their poetic abilities.

5. Write a letter to your cousin recommending him/her a book/novel that you thought worth reading in about 180 words. Describe the factors that you liked most.

Swargadwari, Pyuthan

12th April 2023

Dear [Cousin’s Name],

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to you today to recommend a book that I recently read and thoroughly enjoyed - Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling. I know you are an avid reader and I strongly believe that you will love this book as much as I did.

The book is a masterpiece of fantasy and adventure, set in a magical world that will transport you to a place of wonder and awe. Rowling's writing style is captivating and her characters are relatable, making it easy for the reader to get invested in their stories. The plot is filled with twists and turns that keep you on the edge of your seat, making it difficult to put the book down once you start reading.

One of the things I liked most about the book is the character development. The way Rowling portrays the characters' growth and struggles over the course of the book is truly remarkable. From the bravery of Harry, Hermione's intelligence, to Ron's humor, each character has a unique personality that will keep you engaged throughout the story.

Overall, I believe that Harry Potter is a must-read for anyone who enjoys a good fantasy novel. It is a book that will leave you feeling nostalgic, and you will find yourself rereading it again and again. I cannot recommend it enough, and I hope you will give it a chance.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

6. Privatization in education creates two class citizens. To what extent do you agree with this opinion? Write an essay in about 300 words on why you think so shading light on pros and cons of privatizing education, issues and Government responsibilities. 10

            Privatization in education

Privatization of education has been a hot topic for debate in recent years. While some argue that it provides better quality education and more opportunities, others claim that it leads to social inequality and the creation of two class citizens. In this essay, I will argue that privatization in education does create two class citizens to a certain extent.

                              On one hand, privatization has some advantages such as the provision of quality education, efficient management, and innovation. Private institutions usually have better resources and infrastructure, highly skilled teachers, and advanced teaching techniques. This results in better learning outcomes and an improved educational experience for students. Additionally, the competition between private institutions ensures that they provide the best possible service to attract and retain students, leading to a constant improvement in standards.

                           On the other hand, privatization also has several disadvantages. It creates a gap between the rich and poor as only the affluent can afford quality education. This leads to the creation of two class citizens, where one group has access to better opportunities while the other is left behind. It also results in the commercialization of education, where education becomes a commodity to be bought and sold for profit, rather than a public good. This has the potential to lead to a decline in quality as the focus shifts from education to profit-making.

                             The government has a significant responsibility in ensuring that education remains a public good and is accessible to all. They should provide adequate funding for public institutions to improve infrastructure and the quality of education. Additionally, they should regulate private institutions to ensure that they provide quality education and are not solely focused on making a profit.

                  In conclusion, privatization in education has both advantages and disadvantages. While it can provide better quality education and more opportunities, it can also lead to social inequality and the creation of two class citizens. The government must ensure that education remains a public good and is

accessible to all, whether through public or private institutions, to avoid social disparities and ensure equal opportunities for all citizens.

7. Do as Instructed in the brackets and re-write the sentences. (10x1-10)

a. I have to go to the dentist because my tooth is aching terrible. (Find the mistake in this sentence and correct it)

Ans. I have to go to the dentist because my tooth is aching terribly.

b. His house is on (In/ at/ by/on) the way from Itahari to Biratnagar (Choose the correct preposition to complete the sentence)

c. Ram assured me that he would meet me at the bus station exactly at 8 am. It is now 10 am. I have waiting for him since early morning (Identify which bolded verb forms is Incorrect and rewrite)

Ans. Ram assured me that he would meet me at the bus station exactly at 8 am. It is now 10 am. I have been waiting for him since early morning

d. You... (will/must/has to/had to) stop smoking. It is very harmful (Fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate auxiliary verb)

Ans. You must stop smoking. It is very harmful.

 e. He usually (do/did/has done/does) his homework in his room (Identify which bolded verb forms completes the sentence.)

He usually does his homework in his room.

f. As a part of the project work, the students had to work physically. Therefore, they requested their teacher to stop study. (Identify which bold-faced word needs to be rewritten and correct it)

Ans. As a part of the project work, the students had to work physically. Therefore, they requested their teacher to stop studying.

g. Ganesh is a doctor His wife is a doctor (Combine the sentences using the conjunction both…..and……)

Both Ganesh and his wife are doctors.

h. The man is in the garden. The man is wearing a blue jumper (Join the two sentences using appropriate relative pronoun)

Ans. The man who is in the garden, is wearing a blue jumper.

i. My uncle wrote a wonderful play. (Change the sentence into passive voice).

Ans. A wonderful play was written by my uncle.

J Mohan said. "My brother arrived home late" (Change the sentence into reported speech).

Ans. Mohan said that his brother had arrived home late.

8. Choose and copy the correct alternatives: 5x1-5s

a) Which one of the following words has a different final sound?

i. brushed ii. glanced iii. looked


The word "filled" has a different final sound (/d/) compared to the other three words (/tʃt/, /st/, /kt/).

b) You went for a long run this morning. The word 'run' in this sentence is:

 i. a noun

 ii. a verb iii. an adverb iv. an adjective

c) Which one of the following words does not take the prefix “Im"?

 i) fertile

 ii) moral iii) pure iv) proper

d) Which one of the following words comes between 'example' and 'exchange in the dictionary entry?

i) excavate

 ii) examine iii) excite iv) exclude

e) The administration has officially asked transportation employees to ........their demonstration.

i .call on 

 ii) call off

 iii) call at iv) call for

"Call on" means to visit or ask for assistance from someone.

"Call at" means to visit a place briefly, usually as a stopover.

"Call for" means to demand or request something.

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